Raise your hand if you’re struggling this lockdown
I defo am and I don’t know why but this second time round has been hard. I don’t know if it’s the weather or because it gets dark early so it feels like it’s time to hop into bed at 5pm and call it a day but sometimes I just feel like bleeehhhh. And yes bleeehhhh is a feeling, anyone know what I’m talking about? I just feel like i’m going crazy this lockdown and some days I just have zero motivation to do anything. Usually I’m up and go and don’t get me wrong I do love a chill day but too many cabbage days are not ok for me lol. I want to keep this short and sweet because I don’t want to be all doom and gloom on a Monday morning but I feel it’s important to share the struggle as we are all going through the same thing. Also I know there are a lot of people in worse positions than I am in and it’s always important to count your blessings and be grateful, however that doesn't mean that you can’t feel down or “over it.” Your feelings are always valid no matter how big or small they may seem.
I’ve come to the conclusion to just accept how I’m feeling and if some days it takes me a while to move my butt and do something then so be it. Why put so much pressure on ourselves? Also I feel like I had these high expectations of me being super productive and working out loads like I was during the first lockdown but that didn’t really go to plan. Don’t get me wrong I haven’t been laaazzzzy all the time, I have been doing bits and bobs like working on DANmade and I have been working out but not as much as I planned to… in my head lol. But I mean the first lockdown was easier because we had lovely weather so I would literally be outside all day, whereas now all I want to do is stay in pj’s and eat all the food I shouldn’t be eating. I think what I’m trying to say is let’s not be harsh on ourselves and to just do the best we can in the situations we are given and that it is ok if you want to be a sloth for a few days. Also it can be so easy to get caught up and compare yourself to others, like why am I not working loads or doing as much but like everyone’s situation is different and we are our own person. Focus on yourself even if that means taking the time to do nothing and chill, if that’s what will make you happy and feel good then go with it and vice versa, if you’re super active and motivated then go you!
Anywhoo we don’t have long left which my family will definitely be happy about that as I’ve been driving everyone mad. Safe to say i’m the one who has ants in her pants and doesn’t like to sit still. Also I’d just like to give a shout out to my Dad for always taking one for the team and being a good sport for always getting involved in my crazy antics (I mean he doesn't really have a choice tbh.)
I hope you all have a fab week! Wake up with gratitude, blast your fave music (this always helps me get moving lol) eat your fave meal and go do whatever makes you happy :) xox