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Do you ever just feel like your mind is full? I know I do and recently I’ve been trying to be really conscious about the thoughts that enter my mind. After all we are in control of what we think. Sometimes life just gets a bit too much, we all have our struggles and problemoooss but it’s really how we handle them and our approach that will determine how we move forward. I think a lot of us think that we have to make drastic changes in order to feel good or be happy but I’ve noticed that it’s really the small changes that will be make a big difference. Being consistent I find is one of my challenges because it’s easy to do something new for a day or two but to keep at it for a long period of time is the real test. I wanted to share some of the things I do that have helped me change my mindset and to be the best version on myself and I know this is a bit deeper than my usual posts, however this is real life and not everything is always sprinkles and roses. We all have bad days and that’s ok!

Setting my intention for the day and writing down or saying to myself 5 things I am grateful for is such a small but powerful tool I use. By doing this it makes me appreciate what I HAVE rather than dwell on what I don’t have. I feel like it’s so easy to worry and stress about things we don’t have or haven’t achieved yet that we forget about the now and what we have in this very moment. Don’t get me wrong, some days I struggle to do this and I might only come up with 1 thing I’m grateful for but that’s ok we all get those bad days where we don’t feel our best and don’t have the motivation to do anything. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit so why not give it a go? I’m not a big reader but a good book that helped me is The Power of Now.” It taught me that the past is gone and we can’t change that, and the future is unknown so all we have is NOW. A quote that really stood out for me in the book was…

“So do not be concerned with the fruit of your action - just give attention to the action itself. The fruit will come of it’s own accord.”

The reason this stood out for me was because sometimes I’m so focused on the end result that I forget the process and journey of getting there is the most important.

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Another thing I’ve started doing recently is walking to work and listening to Jay Shetty’s podcasts. It starts my day off great! (If I tell you the amount of times I’ve tripped up on my walk is a joke lol I try to style it out but some can’t be saved haha.) Anywhooo as I was saying, Jay Shetty’s podcasts have been a good listen for me recently and sometimes I find it hard to listen to podcasts because I get distracted and start thinking about other things. But I really like his ones because they are relatable and he puts things and situations in a different perspective. A couple that I’ve really enjoyed listening to are his interview with Khloe Kardashian where they talk about kindness and 50 Cent’s interview about mindset and success. One thing that stood out for me in the podcast with 50 Cent was when he said “hard work beats talent when talents not work” and it’s so true! No matter how talented you are at something, if you don’t put in the work then nothing is going to come to you. I have to put in ALL the work in order for me to achieve my goals.

Mindset is a journey for me and as long as I try and make a conscious effort to change the way I think and have a more positive and grateful outlook on life then I am hopefully on the right track. I know I’ve waffled on but I wanted to share some realness with you all as I know we all go through challenges. A reminder for you is to keep going even when you feel like giving up! Surround yourself by people who uplift you and make you feel your best. That’s definitely one thing I’ve learnt as I’ve got older, sometimes we have to loose people for our growth. I’ve learnt from experience that when I surround myself with people who are constantly negative or on a different path than me, it would bring my mood down. And that’s not to say that there’s anything wrong with them because we are all on our own individual journey it’s just that in order to grow you have to step away. I’ve learnt that some people we meet are not meant stay for a long time and are just there for a chapter. Choose the energy you want to be around but most importantly BE the energy you want to attract. YOU GOT THIS!!

With love, Daniella XXX
